Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Teacher Gift Idea

My mom has been a teacher for over 25 years. {This qualifies my next statement} Every year, I do the same thing for my kid's teachers: on the last day of school, I give a hand-written thank you note and a gift card that I know they will be able to enjoy.

There are so many cute end of the school year teacher gifts out there- I've seen them on Pinterest. But if you take into consideration the number of kids in each class and multiply that by "cute gifts", before you know it your kid's teacher has a car full of stuff. It's all cute stuff, but how much room does one person really have?

A gift card, however, fits nicely into a wallet and can be used to buy something the teacher really wants/needs. The best part is that it can be enclosed in a note card where you (or your child) can express your sentiments in a way that is lasting and memorable.

The art of thank you note writing is disappearing. While it is so easy to send a txt or email that says "thanks!" (and I do this all the time!), how wonderful do you feel when you get a handwritten thank you note?! Knowing that the person appreciated you and your gift or gesture so much that they put time and consideration into expressing their sentiments- such a great feeling.

If you think about all the things that are asked of teachers these days and how much commitment they show to their students, I think, a well written, thoughtful thank you/appreciation note (and maybe a certificate for a massage, coffee, Target, etc.) can go a long way.

My mom always treasured the kind words parents and students gave her. She loved the "things" too, but she never had a place for everything. The gifts she has kept the longest are the sentimental ones- notes, pictures, things that were handmade with extra thought put into how she could use them.

I realize there are people who are super skilled at gift giving- they always pick up on little hints and then find the most amazing and unique gifts. Students often find very sweet items that they feel their teacher will treasure- I think this is so sweet and my mom has certainly brought me to tears with some of the explanations that came with various gifts.  There can, obviously, be exceptions to this little tip I'm giving you. All I'm saying is keep in mind that teachers get gifts a lot, from a lot of kids.

I am not a person who happens to find the exceptional gift that has to be given. I do put thought into what I give though. I know sometimes a gift card can seem like the easy way out, but it's all in how you present it! I enjoy expressing my appreciation for all of the things my son's teachers have done for him throughout the school year. I can also appreciate that being a teacher is a lot of work and sometimes it's nice to be able to spoil his teachers with a mani/pedi or shopping spree at Target to kick their summer vacation off right.

Tell us what you are getting the teachers in your life, if you can "wow" us we might just feature your gift idea next week!

Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Let me first just say that I love reading your blog!
    I taught with your mom for 5 years and am still at it. The hand written notes are the best!! They can be a real treasure to read on a hard day.
    Thanks for sharing this tip!
    Jaime Bowlin


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