Monday, May 20, 2013

Clean & Lean: Mopping Arm Workout

With all the rain we have been having lately, combined with the yard that is starting to be mowed again, my tile floors have a lot more dirt to show off lately!

You know I can't have that.

I have figured out a way to isolate my arm muscles while I mop. I find myself using a little extra "elbow grease" on our floors anyway, but if I really focus on my form, my arms make this a workout!

Mopping Arm Workout

Proper Form

  • Start with your feet shoulder width apart and your tummy tight (pull your abs toward your spine like you are sucking in your muffin top- or at least that's what I'm doing).
  • Keep your back straight the whole time- no bending! This is the secret! You can twist, as long as you keep your tummy tight.
My feet won't move until I have to step on to the next spot on the dirty floor.

Clean & Lean

My left arm is doing all the work here. My right arm is just guiding the mop.  And my back is straight!
  • While pushing the mop on the floor, really get your arms into it- even if you can't see the dirt you are scrubbing, get after it like it's your enemy! :)
  • Use your arms- and just your arms- to push and scrub.
  • Make sure you switch your arms so that you have one scrubbing and one guiding (see picture above)  for a couple of minutes at a time. A good rule is that every time you have to re-wet your mop, switch your arm positions.
  • By keeping your abs tight you are strengthening your core, too. It takes a lot of muscles to keep your back straight while doing this so it's a great toning exercise for your arms and core!
  • When you have throughly scrubbed one section of floor, take a few steps and move to the next area. You will have to move a lot since you aren't bending, your reach will be shortened.

Step It Up

If your tile surfaces aren't enough, try this same technique while vacuuming too! Can you clean all your floors using only your arms? I dare you!!

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