Monday, May 6, 2013

Clean & Lean: Dusting Squats

Have you ever looked closely at your baseboards?

I usually vacuum the baseboards a few times a year, just using the brush attachment. I figured that would get all the dust off.

Well, let me tell you...

One night, I was stressing out about a nail-biting-close-score OSU Football game I was watching on TV.  So, I did what any sensible fan would do and grabbed a damp microfiber cloth and started cleaning my baseboards. That's normal, right?

The amount of dirt that was coming off on the microfiber cloth was so disgusting I forgot about the football game for a minute and started scrubbing!

Ever since, I have made it a point to dust my baseboards with a cloth at least once a month. Of course I try to maximize my cleaning efforts so here's how I do dusting squats:

{Note: you don't have to clean baseboards, this works for any dusting as well as some lower hanging windows :-)}

Dusting Squats

Proper Form

Squats are kind of tricky so make sure you are focusing on your form.
  • Start off with feet shoulder width apart & your tummy tight.
  • Bend your knees as close to a 90 degree angle as you can get and push your bum out.
  • Your bum will be sticking out as if you were sitting on a chair- but there's not a chair there, use your imagination :-)
  • Make sure your knees DO NOT extend past your toes!

Clean & Lean

From a squat position...
  • Use a damp microfiber cloth (just run it under some water- that's all you need, no chemicals!)
  • Twist your shoulders (NOT your waist!)
  • Bend at the waist so that you can reach your baseboard, DO NOT arch your back. Please.
  • Start with your hand past one foot and slide the cloth all the way past the other foot. Like so:

Even though my shins aren't completely vertical, I make sure my knees are never past my toes.

After one "pass" like this, stand up, move a couple of steps down the wall, and repeat.

See how many rooms you can get through before your legs get shaky :-)

You can always do one room per week to get in some exercise and systematically keep your baseboards clean.

Once you've done as much as you can stand, sit back and relax knowing your baseboards are clean AND your bum will be looking better and better!

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