Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Pancakes Anytime

We are big pancake eaters around here.

I don't know anyone who has time to make pancakes every morning. I sure don't. But I also hate to buy pancakes because they are so simple to make!

In order to have homemade pancakes every morning, without having to make pancakes every morning, I double the recipe and let the extra pancakes cool on a cooling rack.
Once they are completely cool, I put them in a gallon-sized zip-close bag and stick 'em in the freezer.

Whenever we want pancakes, I take a couple out of the freezer, microwave for 30 seconds or so and there they are!

This also works for waffles.

We would love you to share your favorite tip with us. We might just try it out and feature you and your idea on Tip for Tuesday! 

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