Monday, June 3, 2013

Lean Arms Challenge

Clean & Lean has absolutely changed the way I think about "working out". It has been my motivation to keep trying and to make every movement count.

I have found that I am finding ways to keep fit while doing other things, too. Like a ripple effect, now that I have the mindset that I can make every activity work for my work out, even watching TV has me thinking about how I can be doing a few extra ab exercises.

My mom and I were chatting about summer approaching and what to do to get rid of that arm flab. You know, the top part of your arm that waves even when you aren't waving. I think one time I heard Oprah call them her flags.

Anyway, I explained to my mom that, back in the day when I would go to an exercise class a few times a week, my instructor showed us how to do a "Dr. Oz move". Now, I have tried and tried to find video with this arm move on the Dr. Oz show. I have been unsuccessful in digging it up so I can't say with certainty that it really came from his show. Either way, Dr. Oz is in no way related to or even remotely aware of this post ;)

As my mom and I discussed, the problem with this part of your arm is that the muscles that make up the back of your arm, your triceps, aren't easily worked. Most of our normal activities work our biceps, and that gives our triceps a little work, but not as much as they need to stay toned. Sometimes you've got to be really deliberate about working your triceps.

I told you that story to tell you this: my mom and I have started an arm work out "challenge". I have added 2 minutes to my "Clean& Lean" routine everyday and she is doing the same. Yes, everyday- 2 minutes to better toned triceps!

Here's Tricep Workout 1 (aka "the kind of Dr. Oz"):

  • Set a timer for one minute.
  • Hold both arms out in front of you with your elbows straight and the palms of your hands facing each other.
  • Tummy tight!
  • Quickly move your arms up and down while keeping your arms straight and your hands facing each other.
  • Kind of like a scissor move...


Tricep Workout 2:

  • Re-set the timer for one minute.
  • Hold your arms in front of you and bend your elbows so you make a square in front of you.
  • Keep your elbows up! They should make a 90 degree angle with the floor at all times!
  • Start with your left arm on top.
  • Quickly move your elbows out to the side and then back in front.
  • Switch your right arm to be on top after 10 seconds- keep switching every 10 seconds.
  • This move feels like you are trying to give someone a hug...

Here is my "before" picture:

Here I am after 2 weeks:

I will post an update in 2 weeks and in 4 weeks  :) Join me, won't you??

Remember that, it is better to do toning exercises in combination with cardio. You also want to be careful not to over extend or injure yourself! Focus on your form and your workout will go much farther.

Happy toning!!

Don't forget to enter our super simple 31 giveaway here!

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