Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Favorite: DIY Outdoor Storage

Isn't it amazing what spray paint can do?

I did this project a couple of years ago and these buckets still look great! Back then Little Man was starting to accumulate outdoor toys and we had zero storage. I needed outdoor storage for things like trucks, balls, shovels, etc.

I picked up a couple of galvanized buckets at Lowe's and some spray paint.

I used painters tape to tape off stripes on the red one. I decided to leave the blue one solid, but stripes would have been cute there too.

After taping off the stripes, I spray painted both buckets different colors. Once the paint was COMPLETELY dry, I took the tape off and, voila! Super simple, cute storage.

The kids can carry these buckets with them all around the yard. They make play time and clean up easy peasy. That's why they are a Friday Favorite.

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