Friday, June 14, 2013

My Organized Pantry

Last week I shared about my organized fridge.

For the same reasons I keep my fridge organized, I keep up with my pantry too. It saves time and money and keeps me from wasting food.

I use a combination of lazy-susan's and baskets to help me make sure my pantry doesn't get out of control.  I absolutely love my pantry- it was a selling feature of our house for sure! There are tall shelves and it is deep which means I can store small appliances that I use less frequently behind the food. It makes for a somewhat chaotic appearance (as you will see in the pics) but it completely makes sense once you see my "zones".

Even if your pantry isn't as big, no worries. I have always organized my "pantry items" this way- even when I was in an apartment with no pantry! My Mommy Machine Secret is to keep like items together so that when you are making a grocery list or cooking/baking you always know exactly where to look for something. And you know if it's not in the zone, then you are out- this keeps you from having to search high and low {hello, time saver}!

Here's how I like to organize my pantry:

Top Shelf:
Recipe Box
Cook Books
I also keep my parchment paper and wooden skewers there too because they don't fit anywhere else!

Second Shelf:
Cooking spices are to the left on lazy-susans.
Baking ingredients are to the right. I use a basket to contain the items in bags- brown sugar, chocolate chips, etc. A lazy-susan keeps my spices, baking soda & powder, as well as cocoa organized.
I keep small appliances, like our Fry Daddy and food processor, in the back.

Third Shelf:
Pasta, rice, and canned goods are to the left. I use a lazy-susan for canned goods and a basket to corral all my pastas.
Snacks are to the right. I use the basket for opened bags and items that are the "last of their kind" meaning I threw the box out for trash day and they needed a home :-)
In the back, the blender has a home as well as surplus things like extra ketchup or chicken broth.

Forth Shelf:
Cereal, breakfast items, and bread are to the left.
Extra snacks, lunch boxes, to-go cups, and trash bags are to the right. I keep the lunch boxes in a large drink tub, this way the tub has a home and the lunch boxes don't fall all over the place.
Pitchers and unused containers, like my tall pasta canister, go in the back.

On the floor of our pantry the only things allowed to stay are our recycling bags and trash can. Occasionally we will have soda, but I try to keep it clear.

Having an efficient and organized pantry makes spending time in the kitchen much more enjoyable for me!

Do you have any secrets to keeping your pantry organized?

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