Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: Trash Bowl

This may seem too simple. But it is amazing what a difference this tip makes!

Rachel Ray is the person who had this tip and as soon as I saw it I knew it would be a great thing for me to try!

I always use a trash bowl. It saves time:

  • Before I even start cooking- in the morning, I placing the meat or chicken I will need for dinner in the bowl and then cover it with water, this speeds up the thawing time
  • While cooking so I don't have to go back and forth from my prep "station" to the trash can
  • Cleaning up because I don't have trash all over my counters
Any bowl can be a trash bowl. Any trash can go in the bowl. I use it for food scraps, wrappers, paper towels from washing my hands, you name it.

When you are cleaning up after dinner you can sort the trash into recycling containers and dump the rest right in the trash can! I highly recommend you try this little gem of a tip.

Thanks Rachel ;)

she's got no clue who I am

What's your favorite time saving tip for the kitchen? Share it with us!


  1. Why have I never thought of this! PERFECT, I get so sick of going back and forth to the trash. Thanks!

  2. I tried this a few years ago and it never "took." I'm not sure why b/c I think it's brilliant! I even had the official "Rachael Ray" store bought version. I may need to try again and cut my natural instinct to jog back and forth. Then again, the exercise..... :)


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