Monday, June 24, 2013

Bake Outside the Box: Breakfast Favorites

Breakfast food is my favorite food to make. Oddly enough, I prefer to have breakfast for dinner rather than in the morning. I think this has something to do with me not being a morning person- I need to wake up to enjoy my food.

Anyway, in an effort to feed my family healthy, breakfast foods are things I bake on a regular basis. I try to make one breakfast item per week (usually on Sunday) and then freeze extras so we can eat them throughout the week. If we have to eat cereal or pop-tarts one or two days- I'm ok with that. We are shooting for the majority of our breakfasts to be homemade and we are able to do that most of the time.

Jess mentioned that she plans her breakfast item weekly. I usually just see what sounds good on Sunday morning :) However you make baking from scratch work for you- go with it!

I have posted my tip for freezing pancakes, this little Mommy Machine Secret works for all of these recipes!

One thing I love about these recipes is that they allow for variety. If I have blueberries- I throw some in. Bananas go great with the oatmeal pancakes. I've even been known to put a few chocolate chips in between 2 pancakes when I heat them up in the microwave in the morning. You can change little things to make all of these recipes work for you!

The last tip I have for baking breakfast outside the box is to add whole wheat flour. You can usually substitute 25% of the all-purpose flour for whole wheat and not notice much difference in taste and texture. The fiber that this easy switch adds is totally worth it!

Here are the links to my favorite breakfast recipes, I have also created a Pinterest board called Baking Outside the Box where I have added all of the recipes I share in this series!

Pancakes *can easily be doubled and extras frozen
Oatmeal Pancakes
Waffles *can easily be doubled and extras frozen
Blueberry Muffins
Biscuits (these are great with strawberry preserves!)
Coffee Cake *cut into squares after cooling completely and freeze unused portions for later
Banana Bread

I hope you enjoy these recipes. What is your favorite thing to bake for breakfast?

The first post in the BOTB series can be found here.

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