Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tip for Tuesday: How to Freeze Fruit for Smoothies

Ever since I broke my daily coffee habit (oh, how I miss it so!), I've been drinking smoothies. While they are super yummy, they're kind of a pain in my you-know-what to make. Who wants to cut up fresh fruit every single day? Ok, I guess not everyone makes smoothies on a daily basis, but I do! ;)

It's super easy to cut up a bunch of fruit to freeze- you could even do this in conjunction with your weekly snack prep. Two birds, one stone!

There is a method to freezing fruit, though. To be sure it doesn't all clump together in the freezer bag, lay the cut up fruit on a parchment lined baking sheet. Stick the sheet in the freezer for 30 minutes or so and THEN put the fruit into a freezer bag.

Super simple, right? Now get to it!


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