Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Healthilicious: 5 Fab Smoothies for Summer (or Anytime!)

I mentioned last week that ever since I quit my morning coffee ritual, that I've been making smoothies. The funny thing is that when it comes to coffee, I basically stick to one way and one way only. Smoothies, on the other hand, are another story. I need change and no two days can ever be the same... at least in the same week.

So, today I'm sharing my 5 favorite smoothie combos (no measurements because I never measure. ever.) and since I'm kind of obsessed with nutrition, don't be surprised if you get a little education on the side. ;)

1. Strawberries, mango, pineapple, almond milk (unsweetened), a spoonful of plain greek yogurt, a small handful of ice.

2. Strawberries, pineapple, simply lemonade, handful of ice

3. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, 1/2 banana, handful of fresh spinach leaves, almond milk (unsweetened), spoonful of greek yogurt, small handful of ice.

4. Mango, Pineapple, 1/2 banana, almond milk (unsweetened), spoonful of plain greek yogurt

5. Strawberries, peaches, 1/2 banana, almond milk, 2 spoonfuls of plain greek yogurt, small handful of ice

As you can probably tell, I use almond milk and greek yogurt in most of my smoothie recipes. Both of these ingredients rock and really pack a punch when it comes to nutrition.

Almond Milk: High in Vitamin E (an antioxidant important for your skin), low calories (mine has 60 calories per cup), and low in carbohydrates- so it won't spike your blood sugar. The amount of sugar found in almond milk is known as "low glycemic", so your body will fully digest it and use it as energy instead of storing it as fat. Sweet, huh? (of course, making your own is better than store-bought, but I haven't tried it!)

Plain Greek Yogurt: High in protein- mine has 23g protein in an 8 oz. serving, so even using a large spoonful in your smoothie will give you a good source of protein!  Low-carb (again, won't spike your blood sugar), and packed with live and active cultures for good digestive health. My favorite is Chobani Plain Non-Fat- all natural ingredients and no added thickeners. Be aware that all greek yogurt is not created equal- check the label to be sure thickeners, like corn starch, are not being used.

I also use strawberries in basically all of my combinations- I just love them! They are in season now, so I'm stocking up and freezing them to use later. Not to mention, they are loaded with Vitamin C (immunity boost, anyone?), packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals which fight against inflammation and protect your heart, and are a great source of folate (essential in the early stages of pregnancy).

My mommy machine secret for making a quick smoothie is to cut and freeze fruit ahead of time, and  I usually do this in conjunction with my weekly snack prep. You can also make a big batch of smoothies and freeze them. Just thaw out in the refrigerator overnight- easy peasy!

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