Raise your hand if you love 31 products! **raises hand**
The first time I saw a 31 catalog I was hooked. I have hosted several parties and the items I am showing you here were all half off or free! It is so easy to get people to buy because all of their products are so practical.
This is not a sponsored post- 31 has no clue who I am.
In the summer, when the kids aren't in school, I like to have play dates and activities to do once a week. I don't schedule too much. Just enough that the kids son't get sick and tired of our house and back yard!
I use 31 bags to keep all of our "need to take this with us when we leave the house" stuff together. With 2 kids, one who is still in diapers, there are always things that I do NOT want to forget. Depending on where we are going I have a couple of different options for organizing our things.
First up is our "quick trip" stuff. I take this for trips to the zoo, friend's houses, errands where we will be in and out (the bank or Starbucks, for example).
The organizing pack is easy to carry (like a backpack) and has lots of compartments, many of which zip up so it is always easy to find things! I hate when everything gets mushed up at the bottom of a bag- no worries here! This can also double as a camera bag- which is nice because I always have a spot for my camera where it won't get jumbled around.
Great side pockets- I use these for the things I don't want leaking all over the inside :-) like water bottles and sunscreen.
The top flap opens for easy access to diapers, wipes and snacks. I also keep Benadryl in the top mesh pocket- we never leave the house without it!
The center pocket opens to reveal the other compartments inside. This is where I keep my camera and change of clothes for both kids. There are several mesh zippered compartments perfect for gum and chapstick too.
The back is a single, cross-body, strap.
Next is the organizing utility tote. This is what I pack if we are going to be gone for a whole day, or if we are going somewhere where the kids might be bored- like the mall or doctor's office. For the most part, this holds the same stuff as above with a few extras:
I usually bring extra snacks for trips like this, I keep them separate and easy to access in the zipper pouch.
The outter compartments keep my stuff (wallet, phone, keys, etc.) easy to reach.
Mesh pockets on each end are perfect for water bottles and sippy cups.
Last up, one of my most used "on the go" items is my littles carry-all caddy. I keep this in my car all the time. It corrals all of the random stuff that floats around my car. Hand sanitizer, cd's, car chargers, sunglasses, extra pacifiers, chapstick, receipts ... I could go on and on. It is great to have a catch-all that I can take out of my car, into my house to clean it out, and put it back in the car again. And it is small enough to fit in an out-of-the-way place in between the front seats.
Since it is summer vacation season, Jess and I decided we wanted to have a giveaway to help you all keep your car organized too!
The Giveaway:
One- $12 Littles Carry-All Caddy in the winner's choice of pattern {provided by Jess and me}Tax and Shipping credit up to $10- this is enough for the littles carry-all caddy, but should the winner decide to order more than the caddy, the winner will receive a credit of $10 to be applied to tax and shipping for their order. {provided by 31 consultant, Jennifer Story}
The giveaway product must be ordered through Jennifer Story.
Any additional merchandise ordered as well as tax and shipping over $10 is the winner's responsibility.
The Rules:
All you have to do to enter, is follow us on Bloglovin (button to your right) AND then leave us a comment saying you are a follower.Easy-peasy.
Giveaway will close and a winner will be randomly selected on Friday, June 7th after 5pm. Winner will be notified by email (make sure you leave one with your comment) and announced on our blog.