Monday, August 5, 2013

THE BEST Meatloaf Sauce

KC and I have a great family. We often get together for family meals with our moms and close relatives. Both of us have dishes we love to make at home because our moms made them for us growing up. My mom and my mother-in-law are great cooks! I have many recipes in my recipe box that are from them and I love that I can cook for my kids the way our moms cooked for us.

One recipe that I had to call my mother-in-law for was her meatloaf. KC loves it and wants it to be made exactly the way his mom makes it. This is completely fine with me! I've never been much of a meatloaf fan, but the sauce that my mom-in-law puts on her meatloaf is what makes this recipe so delicious. We have meatloaf and mashed potatoes at least once a month!

You can use this on top of any meatloaf variety. The sauce is so easy to make but makes a world of difference in the flavor of the meatloaf.

1.5 T Yellow Mustard
1 T Brown Sugar
1/4 c. Ketchup

While the meatloaf is on the oven, mix together ingredients until all of the brown sugar has dissolved into the sauce.
15 minutes before the meatloaf is finished cooking, take it out of the oven, cover with sauce, and return to the oven for the remaining cooking time.

See? So simple but so good!

You might notice that my meatloaf in the top picture isn't in a loaf pan. This is my mommy machine secret to faster cooking time! I also like doing it this way because there is a crust on the outside and the meatloaf isn't as soggy.

Another variation on my standard meatloaf recipe is adding sliced onions and green bell peppers to the top of the meatloaf (under the sauce in the top picture). This just adds a different texture, and it's easy to pick off but leaves a great flavor for the picky eaters in the family.

What's for dinner at your house tonight?

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