Friday, August 2, 2013

Get Ready for Going Back to School

Summer is such a relaxing time. Well, for my kids anyway. They get to go to the babysitter's house in their PJ's while I go to work. Must be nice ;-)

Anyway, August means "back to school". Yikes! How did that sneak up on me?! All of a sudden I start thinking about what a shock it is going to be when I have to get the kids up and at'em and dressed and ready... oy.

In an effort to make this a little easier, I have created morning and bed time "routine check lists" for my 5-year-old (he's only 5 years and 1 day old... my baby boy... **sigh**).  Since he is going to be in "big kid school" I know that our mornings will be our most important times- they will set the tone for the rest of the day. You can't have a good morning if you don't have a good bed time. Thus, the routine.

I sat down with Little Man and showed him what I was making- I talked it up "this is your big boy check list!" I included pictures with very simple words. I kept it to just 3 steps. Very simple! He loves being a big boy and getting ready on his own. I make a point to tell him how great he is doing and when I notice he has done something (like get dressed) I acknowledge what he's done and ask him what's next. He has to go check his check list, I don't prompt him. This is part of the experience!

Here are our check lists. You can make your own and customize them, or just use these. If your kids are older you may want to make them a little more in depth :-)

CLMM Morning Routine

CLMM Bed Time Routine

How do you get in the back to school routine? I'd love to hear your suggestions!

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