Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Keep your Week Organized: Oh! What a Week!

I think most of you know the love I have for all things Erin Condren. I can't live without my Life Planner, am smitten over her sticker labels, and my family wouldn't survive without her weekly schedule pad.

Like, I'm not even kidding. If I pulled out a hair for every time I was asked "What's for dinner tonight?", "When is the utility bill due?", or "What's going on this week?"... I'd be bald. And have more time on my hands because I wouldn't have to deal with my hair. I'd rather have less time and more hair. Anyway...

A couple months ago I bit the bullet and ordered my "Oh What a Week! Weekly Schedule Pad", which I had been eyeing for a looooong time. Little did I know what  life changer it would become- I literally use this for everything.

Weekly Meal Planning- No one has to ask "What's for dinner?"... unless they are two little 4 year olds who can't read. :)

Cleaning Schedule- Every day I have at least one cleaning task to accomplish... but normally it's more like 5. Keeping it on our weekly schedule helps Adam know what needs to be done and how he can help.

Bill Due Dates- This keeps us on track with bill due dates, even though most of our bills are on automatic payments. It's nice to see what's coming up, and I like to double check that our automatic payments go through.

Appointments- We have a lot of appointments between all of us, so it's great to see it in a weekly view. Plus, if something comes up and Adam needs to squeeze in plans or switch something around with the kids schedules, he doesn't have to come to me. Sweet freedom! :)

Holidays/Birthdays/Events/Playdates- It's nice to keep all of these things in our weekly schedule too. We never forget a birthday, and these are always things the whole family looks forward to (birthday parties, trips to the zoo, park playdates with friends, etc.).

Wanna know a secret? I re-use these. Oh yes, it's true. After the week is through, I'll either give it to the kids so they can paint/draw/cut or I fold it in half-2 times- and write my grocery list on it. Fits in my purse perfectly!

Another one of my Mommy Machine Secrets is that I use left over stickers from my Life Planner and use them on my weekly schedule pad. It helps the important things stick out.

Have I convinced you that you absolutely need this in your life? Good. That's what I thought. ;)

**By the way, Erin Condren has no idea who I am or anything about this little blog... so this is not a sponsored post. I just really, really, really love her products. 

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for the fab review, we love it! just pinned to our pinterest boards, check it out! pinterest/erincondren enjoy!


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