Monday, May 5, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week: DIY Thank You Card

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Let's all take a minute to thank the teachers in our lives. My mom is a teacher and I know how dedicated teachers are to their students. Their work day doesn't end when their students are dismissed and chances are they were hard at work long before the first student walked into their classroom every morning.

Teaching is a calling. It's not a profession that just anyone can be successful at.

I've always had a great appreciation for teachers, this feeling has grown since my own kiddo has started school.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and to celebrate I waned to share this little idea with you. I'm not a big fan of overwhelming teachers with trinkets and candy. I try to make teacher gifts meaningful and with a purpose.

This year, I made cards for the teacher's in our lives. Since my son is in Pre-K they have been working on handwriting and practicing their letters. I had the idea to make a card using his handwriting. Rather than just having him write "thank you" inside a card, I decided to try something different.

Yesterday, I had my son write "thank you" in sidewalk chalk. We added some decoration and then I took a picture:

I went to and used their online photo department to create a 5x7 card. I picked it up the same day and have it ready to go!

My son's school PTA has suggested a different gift for each day of the week- Tuesday is "card day".

Personalized gifts are always so nice. I hope that my son's teachers understand how much I appreciate all that they do!

Other gifts I am giving this week:
Starbucks gift card {"sweet treat" day}
Flower + Seeds {flower day}
Target Gift Card {teacher's favorite gift day}

What are you giving for Teacher Appreciation Week?
 photo mommy-sig_zps6a343660.jpg

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