Friday, May 9, 2014

Favorite Warm Weather Drinks

I know I've been talking about the weather-a lot- in my last few posts... but it was a looooong winter and the warm sunshine just makes me happy! Not to mention, this entire week has been above 60- which means the kids have had a ton of outside time to run off energy. ;)

When the warm weather arrives, I ditch my coffee machine and coffee mugs and switch them for cold cups, my espresso machine, and blender!

Here are a few of my favorite warm weather drinks:

Summer smoothies- the possibilities are endless. The kids love to make up their own combinations, too!

 Passion Tea Lemonade- homemade and frozen style!

Easy iced mocha- perfect to get anyone through the day!

My basic green smoothie is a daily necessity. Gotta get the greens in somehow!

 photo mommy-sig_zps6a343660.jpg

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