Friday, May 2, 2014

Family Dinner Time: Conversation Starters

I've posted before about the importance of "family dinner time". Sometimes it's difficult to start new lines of conversation. We get stuck in a rut of "how was your day?" and "so what do you want to do this weekend?"

There are great games, printables, and other resources to spice up the conversation; but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share a few of my favorites. Since I have a 5 year old and an almost-3 year old I have to keep the conversation funny and super simple.

So here's how I get them talking:

  • If you could be any superhero which one would you be? Why? (you can interchange "superhero" for whatever the obsession of the week is- "dinosaur", "animal", "Octonaut" all work, too)
  • What do you think the birds are talking about when they chirp? (again, interchange the animal and their "noise")
  • Do you think Reggie (our dog) likes to watch tv? What do you think his favorite show is? Why? (or some equally silly imaginative question)
  • If you could be in the Lego Movie, which character would you want to be? Why?
  • What do you want to build with Legos later?
  • How many bubbles do you think are in the bath tub when you take a bath?

Can you see what I'm doing here? It's all about using their imagination to answer questions about things that are important to them. You may not have to ask more than one question because the conversation will start to flow naturally- that's great!

My husband and I love to sit back and listen to the funny responses; and the kids think it's so silly when we answer the questions, too!

The whole idea is to make the meal a special and fun part of the day. There shouldn't be stress or pressure at the dinner table. Sometimes it's difficult when you know you want your kids to eat and they aren't- but you want to create a comfortable environment and then the eating part will come.

There are so many ways that quality dinner conversation can enhance your family- it's good for kids, it's good for parents, it's a family thing.

If you have a question that you love to ask your kids- shout it out! We love comments!!

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