Friday, April 18, 2014

How to Season Stoneware

I've mentioned my stoneware collection a few times. It's great for cooking and baking so many things. Cookies are way better on stoneware!

One of the things about stoneware is that it gets better age. In order to make sure your stoneware lasts and has a good non-stick finish, it's important to season it properly the first 2-3 times you use it.

Depending on what you will be using your stoneware for you will need either olive oil if it's mostly cooking savory things or canola/vegetable oil if you'll be using it for baking sweet treats. A good basting brush is nice to have, but you can also use a paper towel.

Simply use the brush or paper towel to apply a very thin layer of oil to the stoneware, you don't want it to think or it will affect the taste of your recipe.

Oil the stoneware like this before placing it in the oven the first 2-3 times you use it until you start to see a darker brown coming through.

Can you tell I use this to bake cookies? A lot.
Once the stoneware starts to turn color you'll know it's ready to go! The more you use it the deeper the brown color will be. I've seen some stoneware that's completely black. I'm in awe of those cooks!

Happy cooking everyone! Enjoy your Easter weekend!
 photo mommy-sig_zps6a343660.jpg

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