Monday, April 28, 2014

Gardening for Fun and Physical Activity

By now you guys know that I'm all about making everyday activities count towards the physical activity I need in my life. This weekend, we planted some colorful flowers around the front of our house and this was one of those opportunities to make every movement count.

Let's go over a few tips for how to burn more calories while gardening:

1. Proper form. You can't burn calories if you have to go inside after throwing out your back. So watch yo-self. Depending on how you like to garden, either kneel or sit on a stool so that you aren't straining your back muscles. Keep in mind that you have the opportunity here to strengthen your core so pull your belly button into your spine to engage your abs. This will help take some of the pressure off your back.

2. Squats. Ensuring proper form, as you bend down to pull weeds, go ahead and do it with a squat. Pretend like you're sitting in a chair and don't let your knees go over your toes. This exercise can be done as a wide squat with your toes pointed out and feet more than shoulder width apart; or as a regular squat with your toes pointing forward and knees shoulder width apart.

3. Arms. Digging can be tough. Especially if you're like me and like to buy the 3 gallon plants :-) Keeping proper form, really try to engage your arm muscles and let them do all the work. This will also help to take pressure off your back. This weekend I was having to dig through and around some well established root systems- my biceps will thank me tomorrow, I'm sure.

4. Think of it as a workout. If you have the mindset that you want to burn extra calories then you will be better prepared to work at a faster pace. The more leisurely you garden, the less calories you burn. It's still a great activity, but you're the boss so kick it up a notch and dig faster, squat more, and don't lolly-gag.

Make the most of your time. Be mindful of the opportunity you have while doing "chores" and you will see that you'll be working up a sweat and enjoying a beautiful yard in no time!

 photo mommy-sig_zps6a343660.jpg

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