Monday, April 7, 2014

How does my garden grow? {Part 3: Container Planting Tips}

The time for planting has come! Well, if you live in Oklahoma. Chances are, we are past all "hard freezes" and if it might get close to freezing overnight I just throw a couple of old towels over my containers.

I chose to plant in containers for a few reasons- no weeds, no soil testing, nothing for my husband to mow around, and I can move them and rearrange as necessary.

I used large galvanized water tubs from my local farm supply store, organic planting mix ("soil" isn't necessary) and organic seed starter mix, later I will fertilize with organic fertilizer. I talked about how I started a few things from seeds, they were well established in their seed cups so I knew it was ok to plant them.

I made notes of a couple of tips I have for planting and wanted to share them with you. 

I am looking forward to some yummy herbs, veggies and fruit. Stay tuned for more from my garden!
 photo mommy-sig_zps6a343660.jpg

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