Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Clean Carpets While Potty Training

My two and a half year old is in that fun potty training stage where she doesn't really want to go to the bathroom on the potty, but she doesn't want to wear her pull-up either. Needless to say it's, er, messy.

We had our carpets cleaned last week and I asked the professional what he recommended for spot cleaning- white vinegar + water. Good news!

I was able to test his recommendation yesterday and I have found the magic formula! Here's my trick...

You will need:
Spray bottle
Microfiber cloth
White Vinegar
Baby wipes

Here's what you do:
If you're cleaning up urine, use a towel to absorb the excess.
If you're cleaning up poop, use the baby wipes to get as much as possible wiped up.

Mix 1 Tbs vinegar for every 1 cup water in a spray bottle.
If there is a stain or smell, spray the vinegar and water solution to soak the spot and use the microfiber cloth to gently rub the stain first in a clockwise motion and then in a counter-clockwise motion.
Do not rub vigorously back and forth- this will rub the stain in instead of lifting it out.
Trust me.

I'm so ready to be done with potty training... but at least I've got a good carpet cleaning method out of it! :-) Silver lining, folks.

For more all natural cleaning recipes, click here.
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