Friday, March 28, 2014

Sneaky Orange Smoothie Pops

Dare I say that spring has arrived? As I'm typing this, I'm looking out on my back patio and the spring swallows have arrived to start scouting out my back porch for the perfect spot to build their nest. Thankfully for me, my husband already has plans to stop this nonsense this afternoon after work.

I must confess- I'm deathly afraid of birds. A couple years ago we had a robin nest right next to our back door and the mama loved to dive bomb me every time I tried to leave my house. I finally resorted to parking my car in the front until the birds left the nest, and vowed that I'd do whatever I needed to do to keep them away the next year! Last year swallows tried to nest on our porch and we put a stop to that pretty quickly. Did you know that PAM makes a great bird deterrent? :)

When I was little, every spring the swallows would build a nest on the front porch light of my parent's house. Again, I was dive bombed any time I came or went.... and obviously scarred for life.

Anyway, this morning I whipped up this yummy orange smoothie pop recipe for the kids. I hide butternut squash and carrots in this one... and they love it!

Why squash and carrots? They both provide a ton of antioxidants and fiber! They also are both packed full with B vitamins- specifically B6, which is great for bone health and for keeping the nervous and immune system healthy. Squash also had a good amount of potassium, which is super important to bone health.

These really are tasty... you might want to hide one in the back of the freezer for yourself.

Sneaky Orange Smoothie Pops
makes approximately 8 pops

1 C. unsweetened coconut milk
1 C. orange juice
1 small butternut squash, cooked
1/2 c. cooked carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 c. frozen peach slices
1/2 c. frozen pineapple

Combine all ingredients together in high-speed blender.
Pour into popsicle molds, freeze, and enjoy!

Enjoy, friends!

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