Monday, March 3, 2014

How will my garden grow? Part 1: Inspiration

I have been researching container gardening. Last year I tried a few herbs and some strawberries in a couple of containers and had great success so I'm confident I can expand my efforts this year.

Once again, Pinterest proves to be a great source of inspiration. 

This is not a sponsored post. All picture sources are sited below the picture.

Tomatoes are on my list this year. I like these tips from Last year I planted Marigolds with my veggies and they burned up- I'm hoping this year the tomatoes can give them a little shade.

I love the idea to use troughs, this pinner uploaded this pic directly. Here's a link to her board. Last year I used a big galvanized bucket and I loved how it looked. Form and function. Yes!

I'm loving this handy dandy chart from

Here's a list of veggies and herbs I'm planning in growing this year:
Green bell peppers

I will be starting seeds in the next couple of weeks! I plan to have 2 galvanized troughs and 2 large galvanized buckets once I transplant outside. I won't grow everything from seeds but it is a great teachable moment for the kids to see, I am excited to get my kiddos involved.

Look for more gardening progress to hit the blog soon!

1 comment:

  1. If your tomato yield is more than you can handle, I'd be happy to help you out with that! Just sayin'. :)


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