Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Save for Christmas All Year Long!

I know what you're thinking- yes, I know Christmas just passed, but I think about it all year long!

Last year, Hubs and I decided that we needed a better financial plan when it came to Christmas spending. I was always so stressed out about money once November hit- calculating how many paychecks we had until Christmas, how much we could spend on each person, etc. I figured there had to be a better way to manage our finances during the season of giving and spending.

Luckily, I was right and we found a fool proof way to keep financial stress to a minimum during this time of year. My Mommy Machine Secret to saving for Christmas all year long: put away a certain amount of money each pay check. Either open a separate checking account or take out cash- whatever works best for you. We are a one income household, so we took out $20 each pay check to see how that added up. We started saving in April and it covered a good portion of our holiday expenses and the holiday season was much more enjoyable! Everything should be covered next year, since we'll save on a continuous basis.

How do you manage your finances for big purchases or the holiday season?

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