Friday, January 10, 2014

Sanity Saving Stress Relief

Anyone out there stressing?

I can't imagine what we would all have to be stressed about- let's see... maybe just the house cleaning, laundry, kids with cabin fever, cold weather, new years resolutions, tight fitting pants, left over candy, phone calls, emails, work, whining, pets, cooking, grocery shopping, trying to organize, and life in general can just get a little crazy.

At some point or another, we all get stressed!

According to the American Psychological Association, stress affects us on a spectrum:

  1. Acute stress (just a few things bothering you, or stressing you out over a short period of time, like the holidays)
  2. Episodic Acute Stress (the things that stress you out happen frequently, worrying frequently, and "type-A" personalities can lead to EAS)
  3. Chronic Stress (so much stress it effects you physically over a long period of time)
Addressing life's stressors as they come can be the key to keeping your stress "acute". Not letting things build up- physically and emotionally- can make a big difference.

I have suffered with EAS and bordered on chronic stress. When I had my Little Man I made the decision to control my stress, to calm my self down, and to worry less (like, much less). I might be type-A enough to have to consciously chose to let my stress go. I have to remind myself that it's not worth the headaches, stomach aches, and exhaustion.

It has gotten easier over time, but I've had 5 years of practice. If you are feeling the wear and tear of stress on your body, trust me- save your sanity, starting now!!

Here are a few things I have found to help me channel my stress into positive things rather than letting it have negative side effects:
  1. I'm honest about what stresses me out. Trying to ignore your feelings only amplifies them! If you acknowledge you're in a stressful situation, it is easier to change your situation and it is easier to get the oh-so-necessary social support to improve your circumstances.
  2. I work it out. Literally. If I am stressed I work out, I clean, I do yoga, I keep moving. This helps to a) keep me busy so I'm not obsessing about the stressor; and b) the endorphins released in your brain when you do physical activity improve your mood. That's science, friends.
  3. Focus on my breathing. Deep breaths lead to relaxation (cue the yoga again), stress response can effect our respiration rates- if you aren't getting enough oxygen, your brain won't think as clearly.  So as annoying as it gets, counting to 10 is good for your mind... and lungs. Aromatherapy helps me to really maximize the benefits of deep breathing. I'm a big fan of the Bath & Body Works stress relief lotion pictured above (my yoga instructor even uses this during our classes). It smells good so it's easy to take a deep breath... mmmmmm.
  4. Take a time out. Yep, it's not just for my 2 year-old. Mommy takes time outs too. For different reasons, obviously. On days where my kids are tired and cranky, we are cooped up in the house, and I'm at my wit's end I turn on a show for the kids and I sit in my favorite chair in the whole house. The chair, pictured above, is in my bathroom. Silly, I know. But it is out of the way, quiet, and no where near the toilet (don't worry). The chair was my grandmother's and something about sitting down with my kindle and relaxing in that chair sets my mind right and helps me to de-stress.
Everyone relaxes differently, the key is to do something about your stress that makes you stress less- not something that adds to your stress. Steer clear of things that will only make you pressed for time (like napping) or that will make you feel worse your stress (i.e. stressing over your weight is not helped by eating chocolate).

What do you do to relax and de-stress?

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