Friday, January 31, 2014

January in Review

I don't know about you, but here in the arctic tundra Minnesota, we are so ready for January to be over! I am hoping that February brings warmer weather- something above zero for more than a day or two would be nice. :)

Lynns and I finally got back to a consistent blogging schedule and shared lots of great things this month:

We warmed up with this yummy veggie stew:

Shared a great basic green smoothie recipe that you can totally make your own:

Posted a country music playlist that will get you through a 40 minute work out: 

Shared tips for organizing your craft cabinet- or any cabinet, really:

We have lots of good stuff in store for February- can't wait to share it with you!

1 comment:

  1. I doubt it is as cold here as it is there but we are ready for warmer weather too! Although we have possible snow the next 4 days!


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