Friday, January 24, 2014

Craft Cabinet Organization!

My craft cabinet has become a little cramped.

I keep my crafty supplies in the utility room above my washer and dryer. It was the only cabinet space I had open so the spray paint and Modge Podge just landed there.

Before I knew it there was burlap, and ribbon, and bandanas- oh my. 

Here's the craft space before:

I could never find anything! Being crafty is made much more difficult when you can't find anything.

To solve my problem, I reorganized! And it feels so good. The laundry detergent and beach towels in this cabinet were moved, this was before:

So I took everything out, sorted like items, threw away old or broken items and then put it all away. 

A few things I kept in mind:
1. Larger items in back. Simple.
2. Use containers! I put several metal tins and a turning pencil/pen holder to work to sort small things and pens, pencils, paint brushes, or anything else that couldn't lay flat. All my notecards are in a small container so they are easy to access. My glue gun and glue sticks are also in a small container so I can easily take them out without having to disrupt anything. 
3. Arrange things logically, for you. Things I don't use as often are on the top shelf, stuff I use a lot is in a more handy spot. Make the organization make sense for you. Otherwise, it will be all disheveled in no time. 

Here are the "after" pics:

See how I could have saved this space so much sooner? Look at how much more efficient this set up is:

Have a great weekend- reorganize something!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! I did some organizing myself recently. More to be done to make room for baby!


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