Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift it Tuesday: My Special Needs Kiddo

Buying presents for my special needs kiddo has always been a challenge. He doesn't play with a lot of toys and can easily become fixated on certain parts of toys- especially toys with flashing lights or spinning parts.

I never thought I would have to think so hard about toys and presents for my kids- I guess it just comes with the territory of being a special needs family. :) I happily accept the challenge though, because when I do choose the perfect gift for Little Dude, it makes my heart smile!

Many of the toys I find for Little Dude are online or aren't even in the toy section at all! Here is what I've come up with for him this year:

1. Body Pillow- this kid loves pillows! This would be great for a kiddo who loves hugs or having objects wrapped around his or her body. LD likes to put pillows on his lap while playing his iPad, or he likes to put one on top of his body when he's sleeping.

2. Ikea Swivel Chair - I think I really nailed it on the head with this gift. LD loves to be in small spaces and he likes to spin. This chair meets both of those needs. He can also pull down the hood and "hide", which he also loves to do! The price tag is $89.99, so this was his "big " gift. He is going to love it and I think it will trump any other kind of toy I could've come up with!

3. Go Go Smart Wheels Train Station - Many times, kids with Autism have a difficult time using their imagination. It doesn't make sense to them, so as they get older and the toys become more imagination-based, it can be really tough to find toys they will understand how to play with and enjoy. This train station set is awesome because it is a cause-and-effect type toy and the train moves on it's own by pushing down on the front of the vehicle. There is a clear purpose and my kiddo won't be left wondering what the heck he's supposed to do! 

Do you have a special needs kiddo you are buying for this year? If so, what are some of your gift ideas? I'd love to hear all about it! 

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