Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Favorite: Kraft Paper Table Runner

Who doesn't love kraft paper? There are lots of uses for this wonderful roll of creative possibilities, a quick Pinterest search will give you ideas for days.

Today, I'm sharing my favorite way to use kraft paper! It's also a mommy machine secret because it pulls double duty- kiddo distracter and makes for easy clean up!

I keep a piece of kraft paper on my dining table {almost} all the time.  It is great to keep the kids busy when they feel like sitting down and coloring regardless of what time of day it is. It also comes in handy at meal time. I will brush crumbs off, but if we have a messy meal (like spaghetti), I can simply fold up the paper, toss it, and my table is clean! Usually, one piece of paper lasts us a few days- as long as you don't mind a few water rings, small smudges, and lots of doodles.

I like to write things on the paper to give us something to talk about at dinner too. Here, I've written "what is one thing that made you laugh today?" as a prompt. While we are eating dinner we will all answer the question!

This can easily be adapted for holiday dinners and parties- use holiday specific questions like "what is one thing you are thankful for?" and you can even write questions by each plate and the person sitting at that spot has to ask the question and answer first!

There are endless possibilities with kraft paper, but this is my "friday favorite" and one of the best mommy machine secrets in my arsenal, too.

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