Monday, November 4, 2013

{Clean & Lean} Bathroom Work Out

Clean & Lean is all about maximizing your movement. You can do this just about anywhere, but a great opportunity to really get a great workout while you clean your house is in the bathroom.

I'm all about doing two things at once- like cleaning the mirror while toning my calves. {check}

Proper Form
To begin with though, let's talk about proper form. You always want to keep your abs tight, like you are sucking your belly button in toward your spine. This will help to strengthen your core and protect your back from injury.

Speaking of your back, don't slouch. This may sound like etiquette, but it actually helps to safeguard your back from pulls and strains.

Basic Muscle Toning
Now that your core is in line, take a minute to think about the muscles you will be using while cleaning.  Typically your arms benefit the most from scrubbing and wiping down surfaces, your legs benefit from reaching and bending.

If you can think about the muscles you are using in the basic cleaning motion, you can focus on isolating them. Really use your arm muscles when you are cleaning the countertops. Make sure you are switching which arm is doing the work. For example, we have a double vanity so for the left sink, I use my left arm to clean; for the right sink, I use my right arm.

When cleaning the sink I try to make sure that my biceps and triceps (upper arm) are engaged. THink of this as putting a little elbow grease into your cleaning. How hard would you scrub if you had peanut butter all over the counter? That's the pressure you want, but don't scrub super fast. Slow and controlled movements are best for toning.

Cleaning counter and doing butt kicks. Lots of muscles working!

Multiple Muscles at Once
Now that you are thinking about what muscles you are working already, let's kick it up a notch and add in other large muscle groups.

When you are doing things like scrubbing the toilet, chances are you have to bend a little, and you are already using your arms. This is a great opportunity to work some leg muscles too!

Add in a squat, see how long you can hold proper form while scrubbing. Once you feel more coordinated you can try to do squat repititions, or try to do a split squat (feet a little more than shoulder width apart, lower your bum like you are going to sit on a chair) and raise your heels while holding the squat. This works your calves, quads, glutes, and abs- in addition to your arms that are working too!

Here are some other ideas:
Calf raises while cleaning the mirror
Lunges while cleaning the tub (use one of those nifty scrubbers with an extendable handle)
Side lunges while cleaning the counter tops
Butt kicks while cleaning sinks
Moping Arms while cleaning the floor

Lunges while tub cleaning!
It might take a minute to get used to the new movement, so make sure you take it slow at first. After a couple of tries I promise you will feel the burn and start to see a difference!

Clean bathroom and toned muscles- win win!!

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I really need to do both. Thanks for sharing :)


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