Monday, February 10, 2014

My 5 Year Old's Room: Organized!

I've been trying to figure out the best way to keep my 5 year old's room clean. He's old enough to pick up his toys, but his room was still out of control. We needed something more...

Up until this point I have had a pretty good system, but he's old enough that I can't get away with that anymore. I decided this weekend, after I realized that there was no floor space left because he had drug out ALL of his toys, that the time had come to buy something that would be easy for him to manage.

The shelving unit I found at Target.
The 2 neutral colored cubes are from Target, too.
The metal baskets are from Hobby Lobby.
The wicker basket on top is from Pottery Barn Kids.
I left 2 cubes empty for larger things.
There is plenty of space on top for pirate ships or legos or anything else he wants to "display".

The best part is that he cleaned up himself. He used the shelf and baskets to pick up his toys, finding homes for all of them, all by himself. They might not be sorted the way I would have done it, but I'm not going to push it :-)

Mom victory.

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