Monday, February 17, 2014

4 Fabulous Deep Cleaning Products

I have been painting our house for what feels like forever. I have only been painting on weekends, I just finished my fourth and final weekend of painting. Yes, stick a fork in it, I'm done!

As I have been prepping for paint, I have also been cleaning. Deep cleaning. Our kitchen, dining room, living room, and bathroom. It's been a big project but, now that I'm finished, I can tell you it was worth it.

Usually, I clean with products that are as close to natural as I can get. I'm not a fan of fumes or harshness. I have a few exceptions when I am "deep cleaning". Sometimes you have to hit it with the hard stuff. My mommy machine secret is to deep clean once per season and to maintain in between with natural products, microfiber cloths, and Clorox Wipes. {If I have big messes I will pull these products out when I need to.}

{this isn't a sponsored post, just sharing what I use and my opinion- these companies have no idea who I am :)}

1. Pledge Multi Surface: using a microfiber cloth I can dust and remove finger prints, smudges, unidentified stickiness, and probably anything else off of our wooden furniture and our electronics. I love it because I can dust/clean the TV stand and move right on to the TV without having to worry about damaging the screen. It also doesn't streak on plastic- big plus.

2. Method Window Wash: I only clean all the windows when I deep clean.  I do have a few windows that get cleaned more often because they are at "dog nose level". When Method named this "window wash" they weren't kidding. I haven't found anything else that gets my windows this squeaky clean, and it's an easy clean- not a lot of elbow grease needed. This happens to be a wonderful naturally derived product (I love Method products).  

3. Comet: Old school, right? I only use this on my shower and tubs. For those spaces- I love it. It is the only thing that gets them completely clean. I use a natural product regularly, but at least once a month I get some Comet after bathtubs and showers. It's necessary. I have even tried to use the Comet spray and I don't like it as well as the green powder. Make sure you have a well ventilated area though!

4. Greased Lightening: everyday my kitchen gets wiped down with Clorox Wipes. But, when my stainless sink gets grungy I spray it with Greased Lightening- it is amazing on stainless! Every few months I use this on my countertops, stovetop, the front of the fridge and oven- anywhere that is prone to grease buildup. It cuts right through, no problem.

When you need a heavy hitter these guys will get ya through. Happy President's Day, y'all. I'm going to sit back and enjoy a freshly painted, and mostly clean, house.  Should you be using your day to clean, I wish you happy cleaning!

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