Monday, February 24, 2014

Crunch-less Ab Workouts

One great thing about Pinterest is that there is an abundance of great ideas. Now that I'm starting to think about summer, I'm also starting to think about my abs. :-) Funny how that association works... Anywho, in an attempt to keep my workouts interesting and efficient, I turn to Pinterest for good ideas.

I've mentioned before that I always try to keep my core tight, belly button pulled in towards my spine, but when it comes to toning those muscles you need to dedicate some exercises towards your tummy. There are a few Clean&Lean Exercises that work but this time of year I like to do a little more.

These two sources are on our Pinterest board for Quick and Easy Workout Ideas and I find myself referencing them when I get off the treadmill and have 5-10 minutes to dedicate to toning my abs. I've linked the sources which also happen to be where the pictures came from. This isn't a sponsored post, the opinions are my own but the pictures are from the sites I link to...

This picture is from women's health magazine. The exercise they suggest are a great quick reference- if you only have a few minutes and you have some free weights {use some soup cans if you don't have weights}. I love the suggestions because they target all your ab muscles- upper, lower, and sides.

Next up is a great resource if you have a little more time and a few simple things- medicine ball, stability ball, flex bands. Even if you don't have the equipment, you can still modify most of these exercises compiled by FitSugar. And with 25 exercises to pick and choose from there's something for everyone!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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