Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fruit & Veggie Pops

This is the winter that never ends... yes, it goes on and on my friends....

Seriously, friends. Here in MN we are in yet another blizzard! Since January, we've had a blizzard nearly every week and I am longing for the days of green grass, wagon rides, iced coffee on my front porch, and sunshine!

In hopes that warmer weather will be on the way soon, I whipped up a batch of fruit and veggie pops for my kiddos. It's a great way to get some good nutrition into the kids without them "knowing" and what kid doesn't love to have a freezer full of popsicles- even in the dead of winter?

Here is the recipe I used this morning- berry cool pops. It's the perfect mix of healthy fat (coconut milk), antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It's also gluten and dairy free!

Berry Cool Frozen Pops
makes about 6 pops

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 generous handful of spinach leaves
1/2 ripe banana
1 cup frozen mixed berries
drizzle of honey to taste

1. Blend coconut milk and spinach leaves until smooth.

2. Add banana, mixed berries, and honey to spinach/milk mixture. For the honey, I usually drizzle a couple turns around the blender.

3. Blend until well combined and there are no chunks of fruit left and the mixture has turned purple.

4. Pour into popsicle molds, freeze, and enjoy!

Substitutions: You could certainly substitute the coconut milk for whole milk. Almond milk would probably work here, too, but might give the pops a slightly nutty flavor.

I got the popsicle molds on Amazon. Click HERE to get all the details on them- they are awesome molds!

I'll be sharing more of my frozen pop recipes soon- there is a whole world of possibilities out there beyond adding greens to your smoothie!

Until then, stay warm friends and visualize the beach! :)

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