Friday, February 21, 2014

Sensible Starbucks: Top 5 Sensible Espresso Drinks

Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm a little obsessed with Starbucks. I may or may not have visited there daily after my twins were born 4 years ago. I may or may not have visited twice a day, most days of the week for their first year of life. I may or may not drive 40 minutes to the nearest one and then drive right back home (I used to live in So. Cal, so they were abundant there. Middle of nowhere in MN... not so much.) I may or may not still be obsessed. I'll leave that up to you to decide. :)

It seems coffee is the go-to for us moms. Perhaps it's the caffeine. Perhaps it's the comfort of knowing it's something that is yours and yours alone. Perhaps it's just the "it" thing in mommyhood... or life in general.

Either way you slice it, coffee drinks- specifically the specialty type- can actually be super high in sugar and calories. After I realized how many calories I was using on my winter fav- decaf, skim, white chocolate, peppermint mocha- I decided to do a little investigating to see what drinks were a little lighter on calories.

Every other time I hit Starbucks I try to do a more "sensible" drink. That way I'm still indulging in my favorites, but feeling good knowing I'm making a better choice half of the time. Oh, and I'm not going to Starbucks every day anymore, so that helps too.

If you're not feeling "sensible" every time you visit Starbucks, I don't blame you! It's so goooood! Maybe just talk yourself into a smaller size- seems sensible enough for me. ;)

1 comment:

  1. It's posts like this that remind me why we are friends ;) our love of Starbucks has to be reason #187. I've started getting a non-fat mocha. Still some sugar but much better than the peppermint mocha with whip I was getting before!


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